Mihai Adrian IonescuD'origine et de nationalités roumaine et suisse, Mihai-Adrian Ionescu est né en 1965. Après le doctorat en Physique des Composants à Semiconducteurs de lInstitut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, M. Ionescu a travaillé comme chercheur post-doctoral au LETI-CEA Grenoble, sur la caractérisation des diélectriques low-k pour les technologies submicroniques CMOS. Après une courte période au sein du CNRS, comme chargé de recherche 1ere Classe il a effectué un séjour post-doctoral au Center for Integrated Systems, Stanford University, USA. Actuellement il est Professeur Nanoélectronique à lEcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne.
Nicolas MacrisNicolas Macris received the PhD degree in theoretical physics from EPFL and then pursued his scientific activity at the mathematics department of Rutgers University (NJ, USA). He then joined the Faculty of Basic Science of EPFL, working in the field of quantum statistical mechanics and mathematical aspects of the quantum Hall effect. Since 2005 he is with the Communication Theories Laboratory and Information Processing group of the School of Communication and Computer Science and currently works at the interface of statistical mechanics, information theory and error correcting codes, inference and learning theory. He held long-term visiting appointments and collaborations with the University College and the Institute of Advanced studies in Dublin, the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, the Centre de Physique Theorique Luminy Marseille, Paris XI Orsay, the ETH Zürich and more recently Los Alamos National Lab. CV and publication list.
Giuseppe CarleoGiuseppe Carleo is a computational quantum physicist, whose main focus is the development of advanced numerical algorithms tostudy challenging problems involving strongly interacting quantum systems.He is best known for the introduction of machine learning techniques to study both equilibrium and dynamical properties,based on a neural-network representations of quantum states, as well for the time-dependent variational Monte Carlo method.He earned a Ph.D. in Condensed Matter Theory from the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Italy in 2011.He held postdoctoral positions at the Institut d’Optique in France and ETH Zurich in Switzerland, where he alsoserved as a lecturer in computational quantum physics.In 2018, he joined the Flatiron Institute in New York City in 2018 at the Center for Computational Quantum Physics (CCQ), working as a Research Scientist and project leader, and also leading the development of the open-source project NetKet.Since September 2020 he is an assistant professor at EPFL, in Switzerland, leading the Computational Quantum Science Laboratory (CQSL).
Pasquale ScarlinoI obtained my master's degree in Physics at the University of Salento, Lecce (Italy) in February 2011. During 2006-2011, I have also been a student of Scuola Superiore ISUFI (SSI). SSI is one of six schools of excellence established in Italy to develop the intellectual capital in technological and social sciences. I conducted an external Master thesis project during an 8 months internship in the Quantum Transport Group at TU Delft, under the supervision of Prof. L.M.K. Vandersypen. There, I implemented the Quantum Point Contact Radio-Frequency Reflectometry technique, which allows increasing the single-shot electron spin readout bandwidth and is currently routinely used in the group.I obtained my Ph.D. degree in February 2016, in the Spin Qubits group of Prof. L.M.K. Vandersypen at the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience-Qutech (TU Delft). During my Ph.D. I have been leading the Si/SiGe spin qubits project, collaborating with the M. Eriksson Group at Wisconsin University. In parallel, I have been working on other different projects, in particular with GaAs depletion quantum dots, high impedance superconducting resonators, and surface acoustic wave resonators. I have been working as a Postdoc fellow in the group of Prof. A. Wallraff (Quantum Device Lab) at ETH Zurich. My main project, in collaboration with the group of Prof. K. Ensslin and Prof. T. Ihn, consisted in integrating semiconductor and superconductor technologies. Realizing a well-controlled interface between the semiconductor and superconductor-based quantum information technologies may allow harnessing the best of both device architectures, for example by providing an interface between strongly coupled charge state and high coherence spin states. Furthermore, it enables the possibility to explore light/matter hybridization in a class of solid-state systems and regimes that are new in the context of quantum optics.From June 2019 till September 2020, I have been a Senior Researcher at Microsoft Station Q Copenhagen and at the Center for Quantum Devices in Copenhagen, focusing on developing semiconductor-superconducting hybrid hardware for topologically protected quantum computation.Since October 2020, I am a tenure track Assistant Professor of Physics in the School of Basic Sciences at the EPFL where I founded the Hybrid Quantum Circuit (HQC) laboratory.