UndergroundingIn civil engineering, undergrounding is the replacement of overhead cables providing electrical power or telecommunications, with underground cables. It helps in wildfire prevention and in making the power lines less susceptible to outages during high winds, thunderstorms or heavy snow or ice storms. An added benefit of undergrounding is the aesthetic quality of the landscape without the powerlines. Undergrounding can increase the capital cost of electric power transmission and distribution but may decrease operating costs over the lifetime of the cables.
Overhead cableAn overhead cable is a cable for the transmission of information, laid on utility poles. Overhead telephone and cable TV lines are common in North America. These poles sometimes carry overhead power lines for the supply of electric power. Power supply companies may also use them for an in-house communication network. Sometimes these cables are integrated in the ground or power conductor. Otherwise an additional line is strung on the masts. Cables are arranged on poles with the most dangerous cables, that is, those carrying power, strung highest.
CaténaireUne caténaire est un ensemble de câbles porteurs et de fils conducteurs destinés à l’alimentation des moyens de transports électriques à captage du courant par dispositif aérien. Les câbles porteurs sont en cuivre, en bronze ou en aluminium-acier, quant aux fils conducteurs, ils sont en cuivre pur à 98 %, ou en cuivre allié à l'étain, au magnésium ou au cadmium. La caténaire permet de faire circuler la plupart des trains et des trams, mais aussi les trolleybus.
Power transmissionPower transmission is the movement of energy from its place of generation to a location where it is applied to perform useful work. Power is defined formally as units of energy per unit time. In SI units: Since the development of technology, transmission and storage systems have been of immense interest to technologists and technology users. Electric power transmission With the widespread establishment of electrical grids, power transmission is usually associated most with electric power transmission.
Théorie de la stabilitéEn mathématiques, la théorie de la stabilité traite la stabilité des solutions d'équations différentielles et des trajectoires des systèmes dynamiques sous des petites perturbations des conditions initiales. L'équation de la chaleur, par exemple, est une équation aux dérivées partielles stable parce que des petites perturbations des conditions initiales conduisent à des faibles variations de la température à un temps ultérieur en raison du principe du maximum.