Arts visuelsLes arts visuels sont les arts qui produisent des objets perçus essentiellement par l'œil. Ils englobent les arts plastiques traditionnels (les anciens beaux-arts dégagés de la notion restrictive d'esthétique, comme du « beau »), auxquels s'ajoutent les techniques nouvelles : la photographie, le cinéma, l'art vidéo et l'art numérique, mais aussi les arts appliqués, les arts décoratifs (art textile, design, marqueterie...) et l'architecture.
Communication visuelleLa communication visuelle est une spécialité liée aux domaines de l', du design graphique, de l'audiovisuel et de la publicité. Elle désigne l'ensemble des techniques d'information par l'image, l'illustration, le graphisme destinées au public. La communication visuelle est utilisée dans de très nombreux champs du marketing : création et design graphique ; identité visuelle, charte graphique, logotype ; supports publicitaires imprimés et online ; design et packaging produit.
Visual design elements and principlesVisual design elements and principles describe fundamental ideas about the practice of visual design. Elements of art Design elements are the basic units of any visual design which form its structure and convey visual messages. Painter and design theorist Maitland E. Graves (1902-1978), who attempted to gestate the fundamental principles of aesthetic order in visual design, in his book, The Art of Color and Design (1941), defined the elements of design as line, direction, shape, size, texture, value, and color, concluding that "these elements are the materials from which all designs are built.
Communication designCommunication design is a mixed discipline between design and information-development which is concerned with how media communicate with people. A communication design approach is not only concerned with developing the message in addition to the aesthetics in media, but also with creating new media channels to ensure the message reaches the target audience. Some designers use graphic design and communication design interchangeably due to overlapping skills.
User interface designUser interface (UI) design or user interface engineering is the design of user interfaces for machines and software, such as computers, home appliances, mobile devices, and other electronic devices, with the focus on maximizing usability and the user experience. In computer or software design, user interface (UI) design primarily focuses on information architecture. It is the process of building interfaces that clearly communicates to the user what's important. UI design refers to graphical user interfaces and other forms of interface design.