
Stefano Rusponi


• 1999 Doctoral degree in Physics obtained at the Physics Department, University of Genova PhD thesis title: “STM study of nanostructures induced by ion sputtering on noble metals”.

• 1994 University degree in Physics achieved at the Physics Department, University of Genova. Final mark: 110/110 cum laude

Diploma thesis title: “A project for a new method of EELS spectroscopy”.

• 1988 High school at the Liceo Scientifico G. P. Vieusseux in Imperia. Final mark: 60/60.

Research career plan:

• 2016 – present MER: Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in the group of Prof. Harald Brune

• 2003 – 2016: 1er. Assistant: Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in the group of Prof. Harald Brune

• 2000-2003: Assistant: Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) under the direction of Prof. Harald Brune

• 1999-2000: Research associate: Max-Planck-Institut of Stuttgart under the direction of Prof. Klaus Kern

Miscellaneous of professional activities:

a) Review panel

• Member of the Elettra proposal review panel

• Member of the committee of the EDPY doctoral school in Physics at the EPFL

b) Co-worker in the building of the X-Treme beamline:

c) Referee for scientific journals:

• Nat. Commun., Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. B, J. Appl. Phys., Surf. Sci., J. Magn. Magn. Mater.

Funding record

a) Funding awarded

• Quantum Properties of Nanostructures at Surfaces, FNS 200020-157081/1;

(01/10/2014 – 31/09/2017); total amount attributed: 832'558 CHF; co-applicant

• Controlling magnetic anisotropy by interfacial coupling, FNS 200021_146715/1;

(01/01/2014 – 31/12/2016); total amount attributed: 367'800 CHF; co-applicant

• Self-assembled bi-metallic magnetic pillar superlattices with enhanced blocking temperature, SER C10.0135; (01/08/2011 – 01/08/2013); total amount attributed: 170'000 CHF; co-applicant

• Magnetic and Catalytic Properties of Surface Supported Metallic Nanostructures, FNS 200020-120493/1; (01/04/2008 – 31/03/2010); total amount attributed: 402'669 CHF; co-applicant

• Magnetic and Catalytic Properties of Surface Supported Metallic Nanostructures, FNS 200020-112322/1; (01/04/2006 – 31/03/2008); total amount attributed: 347'633 CHF; co-applicant

b) Approved proposals for the allocation of beamtime

Swiss Light Source (SLS):

main proposer: 9

co-proposer: 4


main proposer: 5

co-proposer: 1

European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF):

main proposer: 2

co-proposer: 11

Student supervisor

• Co-director of PhD thesis: 4 PhD students

  1. Dimitris Mousadakos: Seeking the smallest room temperature magnets; (in progress)

  2. Romana Baltic: Controlling single atom magnetic anisotropy by interfacial coupling; (in progress)

  3. Alberto Cavallin: Growth and magnetism of nanostructures investigated by STM, MOKE, and XMCD; (Oct. 2013), Thèse N°5941

  4. Sergio Vlaic: Magnetism and atomic scale structure of bimetallic nanostructures at surfaces; (Dec. 2012), Thèse N° 5625

• Supervisor of PhD thesis (without co-direction): 4 PhD students

  1. Anne Lehnert: Magnetism of individual adatoms and of epitaxial monolayers; (Jun. 2009), Thèse N° 4411

  2. Geraud Moulas: Growth and magnetism of 2D bimetallic nanostructures; (Dec. 2008), Thèse N° 4231

  3. Philipp Buluschek: Submonolayer growth of cobalt on metallic and insulating surfaces studied by scanning tunneling microscopy and kinetic Monte-Carlo simulations; (Nov. 2007), Thèse N° 3944

  4. Nicolas Weiss: Propriétés magnétiques de nanostructures de Co adsorbées; (Apr. 2004), Thèse N° 2980

• Supervisor of Master thesis: 6 students

• Supervisor of semester projects: 9 students

• PhD thesis referee: 2 students

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