
Baptiste Gauthier

Cette personne n’est plus à l’EPFL


I graduated from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan in biochemistry and bio-ingeneering departement as a "Normalien" Student.I received then a first-year Master of cellular signalling and neuroscience in University of Paris-Saclay and a 2nd-year Master of cognitive science in Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris (Cogmaster). After a PhD in cognitive neuroscience on the relationship between oscillatory fluctuations of brain signals and time perception directed by the Pr Andreas Kleinschmidt, MD, PhD, I investigated the neural correlates of Mental Time Travel, the human ability to mentally go back in the past and plan the future, in the Brain Dynamics Team, Headed by Virginie van Wassenhove, PhD, in the Neurospin Center hosted by the CEA.I am currently post-doctoral researcher and investigating autobiographical memory in the Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience (LNCO), at Campus Biotech in Geneva, headed by the Pr Olaf Blanke, MD, PhD.

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