
Christina Doumpioti


Christina Doumpioti [Dip. Arch.Eng (Hons) AA MArch (distinction)] is an architect, researcher and educator. Currently a PhD researcher and instructor at EPFL’s Media x Design Lab, her work investigates the relationship between morphology, microclimate and spatial intensive properties, exploring creativity and performance with the use of Machine Learning. Prior to EPFL, Christina taught at the Architectural Association (2009-2016), Brighton University and Royal College of Art. She was the co-director of the Biodynamic Structures Global Visiting School, a collaborative workshop between the Architectural Association and the California College of Arts in San Francisco and member of the organizing committee of the Smart Geometry conference in New York in 2012 and in London in 2013. She worked at Arup Associates, London, collaborated with Buro Happold, London and currently she’s part of OCEAN NET, a collaborative design network. Her research on computationally driven architecture and simulation has been published in peer-reviewed computational associated conferences such as ACADIA, CAADRIA and ECAADE and has been featured in various journals (Arch , Architectural Design). Work : and Teaching

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