Relaxation (physics)In the physical sciences, relaxation usually means the return of a perturbed system into equilibrium. Each relaxation process can be categorized by a relaxation time τ. The simplest theoretical description of relaxation as function of time t is an exponential law exp(−t/τ) (exponential decay). Let the homogeneous differential equation: model damped unforced oscillations of a weight on a spring. The displacement will then be of the form . The constant T () is called the relaxation time of the system and the constant μ is the quasi-frequency.
Spin–lattice relaxationDuring nuclear magnetic resonance observations, spin–lattice relaxation is the mechanism by which the longitudinal component of the total nuclear magnetic moment vector (parallel to the constant magnetic field) exponentially relaxes from a higher energy, non-equilibrium state to thermodynamic equilibrium with its surroundings (the "lattice"). It is characterized by the spin–lattice relaxation time, a time constant known as T1.
Spin–spin relaxationIn physics, the spin–spin relaxation is the mechanism by which Mxy, the transverse component of the magnetization vector, exponentially decays towards its equilibrium value in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It is characterized by the spin–spin relaxation time, known as T2, a time constant characterizing the signal decay. It is named in contrast to T1, the spin–lattice relaxation time.
Transition vitreuseLa transition vitreuse est un ensemble de phénomènes physique associés au passage d'un état de liquide surfondu à un état solide, qualifié de vitreux. Elle caractérise le passage entre la forme dure et relativement cassante et la forme « fondue » ou caoutchouteuse d'un matériau amorphe (ou d'un matériau semi-cristallin avec des régions amorphes). Un solide amorphe qui montre une telle forme de transition vitreuse est appelé un verre. Le refroidissement intense d'un liquide visqueux vers sa forme vitreuse est appelé la vitrification.