We present a review of theoretical methods to compute lightning-induced currents and voltages on buried cables. The evaluation of such induced disturbances requires the calculation of the electric field produced by lightning along the cable path. We show that the Cooray's simplified formula is capable of predicting accurately the horizontal electric field penetrating the ground, at distances as close as 100 m. Regarding the parameters of the buried cable, a comparison of several approximations of the ground impedance is presented. It is also shown that, within the frequency range of interest, the wire impedance can be neglected, due to its small contribution to the overall longitudinal impedance of the line. The ground admittance, however, can play an important role at high frequencies (1 MHz or so) especially in the case of poor ground conductivity. The ground admittance needs to be taken into account in the calculation of lightning-induced currents and voltages on buried cables. This is in contrast with the case of overhead lines in which its contribution is generally negligible even in the MHz range
Marcos Rubinstein, Antonio Sunjerga
Pierluigi Bruzzone, Kamil Sedlák, Federica Demattè, Chiara Frittitta