Joint encodingIn audio engineering, joint encoding refers to a joining of several channels of similar information during encoding in order to obtain higher quality, a smaller file size, or both. The term joint stereo has become prominent as the Internet has allowed for the transfer of relatively low bit rate, acceptable-quality audio with modest Internet access speeds. Joint stereo refers to any number of encoding techniques used for this purpose. Two forms are described here, both of which are implemented in various ways with different codecs, such as MP3, AAC and Ogg Vorbis.
Maximally stable extremal regionsIn computer vision, maximally stable extremal regions (MSER) are used as a method of blob detection in images. This technique was proposed by Matas et al. to find correspondences between image elements from two images with different viewpoints. This method of extracting a comprehensive number of corresponding image elements contributes to the wide-baseline matching, and it has led to better stereo matching and object recognition algorithms. Image is a mapping .
Compression de donnéesLa compression de données ou codage de source est l'opération informatique consistant à transformer une suite de bits A en une suite de bits B plus courte pouvant restituer les mêmes informations, ou des informations voisines, en utilisant un algorithme de décompression. C'est une opération de codage qui raccourcit la taille (de transmission, de stockage) des données au prix d'un travail de compression. Celle-ci est l'opération inverse de la décompression.
Ridge detectionIn , ridge detection is the attempt, via software, to locate ridges in an , defined as curves whose points are local maxima of the function, akin to geographical ridges. For a function of N variables, its ridges are a set of curves whose points are local maxima in N − 1 dimensions. In this respect, the notion of ridge points extends the concept of a local maximum. Correspondingly, the notion of valleys for a function can be defined by replacing the condition of a local maximum with the condition of a local minimum.
Dual-member proportional representationDual-member proportional representation (DMP), also known as dual-member mixed proportional, is an electoral system designed to produce proportional election results across a region by electing two representatives in each of the region’s districts. The first seat in every district is awarded to the candidate who receives the most votes, similar to first-past-the-post voting (FPTP). The second seat is awarded to one of the remaining district candidates so that proportionality is achieved across the region, using a calculation that aims to award parties their seats in the districts where they had their strongest performances.
Filter bankIn signal processing, a filter bank (or filterbank) is an array of bandpass filters that separates the input signal into multiple components, each one carrying a single frequency sub-band of the original signal. One application of a filter bank is a graphic equalizer, which can attenuate the components differently and recombine them into a modified version of the original signal.
Codage neuronalLe codage neuronal désigne, en neurosciences, la relation hypothétique entre le stimulus et les réponses neuronales individuelles ou globales. C'est une théorie sur l'activité électrique du système nerveux, selon laquelle les informations, par exemple sensorielles, numériques ou analogiques, sont représentées dans le cerveau par des réseaux de neurones. Le codage neuronal est lié aux concepts du souvenir, de l'association et de la mémoire sensorielle.
Convertisseur numérique-analogiqueUn convertisseur numérique-analogique (CNA, de N/A pour numérique vers analogique ou, en anglais, DAC, de D/A pour Digital to Analog Converter) est un composant électronique dont la fonction est de transformer une valeur numérique (codée sur plusieurs bits) en une valeur analogique proportionnelle à la valeur numérique codée. Généralement la sortie du convertisseur est une tension électrique, mais certains convertisseurs ont une sortie en courant. N/A = Fréquence / Bits Il existe plusieurs solutions pour créer un signal analogique à partir d'un système numérique.
Texture (image de synthèse)Dans le domaine de la , une texture est une image en deux dimensions (2D) que l'on va appliquer sur une surface (2D) ou un volume en trois dimensions (3D) de manière à habiller cette surface ou ce volume. En simplifiant, on peut l'assimiler à un papier peint très plastique et déformable que l'on applique en 3D en spécifiant la transformation géométrique que subit chaque pixel du papier pour s'appliquer sur l'élément 3D. Le pixel ainsi manipulé en 3D est appelé texel.
Mixed-member proportional representationMixed-member proportional representation (MMP or MMPR) is a mixed electoral system in which votes are cast for both local elections and also for overall party vote tallies, which are used to allocate additional members to produce or deepen overall proportional representation. In some MMP systems, voters get two votes: one to decide the representative for their single-seat constituency, and one for a political party. In Denmark and others, the single vote cast by the voter is used for both the local election (in a multi-member or single-seat district), and for the overall top-up.