Localized direct electron heating (EH) by mode-converted (MC) ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) waves in D(H) tokamak plasmas has been clearly observed for the first time in Alcator C-Mod. Both on- and off-axis (high field side) mode conversion EH (MCEH) have been observed. The MCEH profile was obtained from a break-in-slope analysis of electron temperature signals in the presence of radio frequency shut-off. The temperature was measured by a 32-channel high spatial resolution (less than or equal to7 mm) 2nd harmonic heterodyne electron cyclotron emission system. The experimental profiles were compared with the predictions from a toroidal full-wave ICRF code TORIC. Using the hydrogen concentration measured by a high-resolution optical spectrometer, TORIC predictions were shown qualitatively in agreement with the experimental results for both on- and off-axis MC cases. From the simulations, the EH from MC ion cyclotron wave and ion Bernstein wave is examined.
Olivier Sauter, Ambrogio Fasoli, Basil Duval, Stefano Coda, Jean-Marc Moret, Federico Alberto Alfredo Felici, Cristian Sommariva, Antoine Pierre Emmanuel Alexis Merle, Cristian Galperti, Francesco Carpanese, Jonas Buchli, Federico Pesamosca, Brendan Tracey, Jonas Degrave
Joan Decker, Chunmin Zhang, Fang Liu