Large deformation diffeomorphic metric mappingLarge deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping (LDDMM) is a specific suite of algorithms used for diffeomorphic mapping and manipulating dense imagery based on diffeomorphic metric mapping within the academic discipline of computational anatomy, to be distinguished from its precursor based on diffeomorphic mapping. The distinction between the two is that diffeomorphic metric maps satisfy the property that the length associated to their flow away from the identity induces a metric on the group of diffeomorphisms, which in turn induces a metric on the orbit of shapes and forms within the field of Computational Anatomy.
Computational anatomyComputational anatomy is an interdisciplinary field of biology focused on quantitative investigation and modelling of anatomical shapes variability. It involves the development and application of mathematical, statistical and data-analytical methods for modelling and simulation of biological structures. The field is broadly defined and includes foundations in anatomy, applied mathematics and pure mathematics, machine learning, computational mechanics, computational science, biological imaging, neuroscience, physics, probability, and statistics; it also has strong connections with fluid mechanics and geometric mechanics.
Statistical shape analysisStatistical shape analysis is an analysis of the geometrical properties of some given set of shapes by statistical methods. For instance, it could be used to quantify differences between male and female gorilla skull shapes, normal and pathological bone shapes, leaf outlines with and without herbivory by insects, etc. Important aspects of shape analysis are to obtain a measure of distance between shapes, to estimate mean shapes from (possibly random) samples, to estimate shape variability within samples, to perform clustering and to test for differences between shapes.
Medical image computingMedical image computing (MIC) is an interdisciplinary field at the intersection of computer science, information engineering, electrical engineering, physics, mathematics and medicine. This field develops computational and mathematical methods for solving problems pertaining to medical images and their use for biomedical research and clinical care. The main goal of MIC is to extract clinically relevant information or knowledge from medical images.
Cible (marketing)A target market, also known as serviceable obtainable market (SOM), is a group of customers within a business's serviceable available market at which a business aims its marketing efforts and resources. A target market is a subset of the total market for a product or service. The target market typically consists of consumers who exhibit similar characteristics (such as age, location, income or lifestyle) and are considered most likely to buy a business's market offerings or are likely to be the most profitable segments for the business to service by OCHOM Once the target market(s) have been identified, the business will normally tailor the marketing mix (4 Ps) with the needs and expectations of the target in mind.
Cadre d'architectureUn cadre d'architecture est une spécification sur la façon d'organiser et de présenter une architecture de systèmes ou l'architecture informatique d'un organisme. Étant donné que les disciplines de l'architecture de systèmes et de l'architecture informatique sont très larges, et que la taille de ces systèmes peut être très grande, il peut en résulter des modèles très complexes. Afin de gérer cette complexité, il est avantageux de définir un cadre d'architecture par un ensemble standard de catégories de modèles (appelés “vues”) qui ont chacun un objectif spécifique.
Cadre ZachmanLe cadre Zachman est un cadre d'architecture d'entreprise qui permet d'une manière formelle et hautement structurée de définir le système d'information d'une entreprise. Il utilise un modèle de classification à deux dimensions basé sur : six interrogations de base : Quoi, Comment, Où, Qui, Quand, et Pourquoi (What, How, Where, Who, When, Why), qui croisent six types de modèles distincts qui se rapportent à des groupes de parties prenantes : Visionnaire, Propriétaire, Concepteur, Réalisateur, Sous-traitant et Exécutant (visionary, owner, designer, builder, implementer, worker) pour présenter une vue holistique de l'entreprise qui est modélisée.
Target audienceA target audience is the intended audience or readership of a publication, advertisement, or other message catered specifically to said intended audience. In marketing and advertising, it is a particular group of consumer within the predetermined target market, identified as the targets or recipients for a particular advertisement or message. Businesses that have a wide target market will focus on a specific target audience for certain messages to send, such as The Body Shops Mother's Day advertisements, which were aimed at the children and spouses of women, rather than the whole market which would have included the women themselves.