Using a first-principles approach, we investigate the origin of the fine structure in Si 2p photoelectron spectra at the Si(100)-(2x1) surface and at the Si(100)-SiO2 interface. Calculated and measured shifts show very good agreement for both systems. By using maximally localized Wannier functions, we clearly identify the shifts resulting from the electronegativity of second-neighbor atoms. The other shifts are then found to be proportional to the average bond-length variation around the Si atom. Hence, in combination with accurate modeling, photoelectron spectroscopy can provide a direct measure of the strain field at the atomic scale.
Ivo Furno, Alan Howling, Alexandra Waskow
Christoph Bostedt, Andre Al Haddad, Thomas Roland Barillot
Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin, Emad Oveisi, Kyung Taek Cho, Aron Joel Huckaba