Information about the poloidal field inside the plasma and about the current density profile is essential for the understanding of the behavior of tokamak plasmas. The poloidal field outside the plasma edge is easily measured by a set of magnetic coils, whereas measurements of the magnetic field distribution inside the plasma requires dedicated and often complex diagnostic systems. One of the methods is polarimetry using beams of electromagnetic waves traversing the plasma. It makes use of the fact that the magnetic field modifies the refractive index of the plasma and as a consequence affects the state of polarization of the passing waves. Specifically, Faraday rotation refers to the case of a linearly polarized wave propagating parallel to a magnetic field. In this case, the rotation of the polarization vector is proportional to the product of electron density and parallel magnetic field component. This thesis is devoted to the design of a specific polarimeter system and its implementation on the TCV tokamak. The conceptual design took into account the particular requirements of the TCV experiments and its experimental program with particular interest in measurements of current density profiles in low-density, EC-heated plasmas. Aiming at optimum performance of the polarimeter in this parameter range, the FIR laser wavelength of 432.5 µm was chosen. Since TCV is already equipped with an interferometer (at 214 µm) for measurements of the line-integrated density along 14 chords, the polarimeter was built as a separate instrument. The number of 10 spatial channels to cover the plasma diameter was found as a compromise between desired spatial resolution, access constraints and cost. The measurement of the Faraday rotation angle is based on a method suggested by Dodel and Kunz [1], which uses optical beams with rotating linear polarization. In this case, the Faraday rotation angle is retrieved from a phase measurement comparing the modulated signals from the probe detectors with that from a reference detector and to first order is insensitive to amplitude variations of the signals. Waveguide detectors based on Schottky barrier diodes are used as detectors for their sensitivity and large electrical bandwidth. Signal processing and analysis is performed in two branches : a) using specifically built analog electronic phase detectors followed by slow (250 kHz) ADCs b) using fast (5 MHz) ADCs and numeric signal processing on a mainframe computer. The thesis covers the description of the design and the various components of the polarimeter, presents initial tests and an evaluation of its performance based on simulations using real plasma configurations of TCV. The analysis of specific tests with the system installed on TCV revealed the presence of perturbations leading to parasitic contributions to the measured phase angles. The results of first measurements of the Faraday rotation angle for different plasma conditions on TCV are presented. Comparing the measured Faraday rotation angles with the results of calculations showed qualitative agreement, in particular the effects of an increase in electron density and of the reversal of the current direction were clearly seen. The system is also capable to detect a radial displacement of the magnetic axis of the plasma, as was demonstrated by comparing measurements from two specific plasma configurations. However, the absolute values still show significant deviations from the expected ones based on calculations. The discrepancies increase with increasing Faraday angle and depend on the direction of the plasma current. At high electron densities beam refraction becomes a problem and may lead to significant errors in the measurements and eventually to complete loss of the signal in several channels. In its present status, the polarimeter cannot yet provide results that are suitable to reconstruct the poloidal field or the current density profile of the plasma. Tentative explanations for this problem are given, but further specific tests are necessary to confirm them. Even in its present state, the polarimeter may be used to detect transient relative changes in the profiles of electron density and current. This was demonstrated by a series of experiments in plasmas with sawtooth activity. Comparing the signals from the polarimeter with those from other multi-chord diagnostics (interferometer and soft X-ray detectors) clearly revealed correlations but also specific differences. These experimental studies showed that the Far-Infrared Polarimetry still requires further improvements, but has potential to become a valuable diagnostic capable of directly measuring the current density profile in the TCV tokamak.
Basil Duval, Stefano Coda, Joan Decker, Umar Sheikh, Claudia Colandrea, Luke Simons, Jean Arthur Cazabonne, Bernhard Sieglin, Gergely Papp