MicroarrayA microarray is a multiplex lab-on-a-chip. Its purpose is to simultaneously detect the expression of thousands of biological interactions. It is a two-dimensional array on a solid substrate—usually a glass slide or silicon thin-film cell—that assays (tests) large amounts of biological material using high-throughput screening miniaturized, multiplexed and parallel processing and detection methods. The concept and methodology of microarrays was first introduced and illustrated in antibody microarrays (also referred to as antibody matrix) by Tse Wen Chang in 1983 in a scientific publication and a series of patents.
Primary somatosensory cortexIn neuroanatomy, the primary somatosensory cortex is located in the postcentral gyrus of the brain's parietal lobe, and is part of the somatosensory system. It was initially defined from surface stimulation studies of Wilder Penfield, and parallel surface potential studies of Bard, Woolsey, and Marshall. Although initially defined to be roughly the same as Brodmann areas 3, 1 and 2, more recent work by Kaas has suggested that for homogeny with other sensory fields only area 3 should be referred to as "primary somatosensory cortex", as it receives the bulk of the thalamocortical projections from the sensory input fields.
Cortex auditifalt=Cortex auditifs primaire et secondaire|vignette|Cortex auditif. Le cortex auditif est la partie du cerveau qui analyse les informations auditives, c'est-à-dire les informations extraites des sons par l'ouïe. Il occupe la partie supérieure du lobe temporal. Comme d'autres aires sensorielles, le cortex auditif est organisé hiérarchiquement en aires primaires, secondaires et tertiaires qui sont anatomiquement organisées de façons concentriques dans les parties supérieures et moyennes du lobe temporal : le cortex primaire, localisé au niveau du gyrus de Heschl est entouré des aires secondaires, elles-mêmes encerclées d'aires tertiaires et associatives.
Puce à ADNthumb|upright=1.2|Principe d'utilisation de la puce à ADN. Une puce à ADN est un ensemble de molécules d'ADN fixées en rangées ordonnées sur une petite surface qui peut être du verre, du silicium ou du plastique. Cette biotechnologie récente permet d'analyser le niveau d'expression des gènes (transcrits) dans une cellule, un tissu, un organe, un organisme ou encore un mélange complexe, à un moment donné et dans un état donné par rapport à un échantillon de référence.
Microarray analysis techniquesMicroarray analysis techniques are used in interpreting the data generated from experiments on DNA (Gene chip analysis), RNA, and protein microarrays, which allow researchers to investigate the expression state of a large number of genes - in many cases, an organism's entire genome - in a single experiment. Such experiments can generate very large amounts of data, allowing researchers to assess the overall state of a cell or organism. Data in such large quantities is difficult - if not impossible - to analyze without the help of computer programs.
MotoneuroneLes motoneurones constituent la voie de sortie du système nerveux central ou la voie finale de tout acte moteur. Les corps cellulaires des motoneurones sont situés soit dans le tronc cérébral, soit dans la corne ventrale de la substance grise de la moelle épinière. Chaque motoneurone possède un axone qui part du système nerveux central pour innerver les fibres musculaires d'un muscle. L'ensemble constitué par un motoneurone et les fibres musculaires qu'il innerve constitue une unité motrice.
Gyrus postcentralLe gyrus postcentral ou la circonvolution pariétale ascendante est un gyrus du lobe pariétal du cortex cérébral, limité en avant par le sillon central et en arrière par le sillon postcentral. C'est un ruban vertical qui suit les sinuosités de la scissure de Rolando (ou sillon central), tout comme son symétrique le gyrus précentral. Il s'unit d'ailleurs à ce dernier par des plis de passage qui contournent les extrémités du sillon de Rolando, dans des régions nommées opercule rolandique en bas et lobule paracentral sur la face interne (en haut).
Motor systemThe motor system is the set of central and peripheral structures in the nervous system that support motor functions, i.e. movement. Peripheral structures may include skeletal muscles and neural connections with muscle tissues. Central structures include cerebral cortex, brainstem, spinal cord, pyramidal system including the upper motor neurons, extrapyramidal system, cerebellum, and the lower motor neurons in the brainstem and the spinal cord. The motor system is a biological system with close ties to the muscular system and the circulatory system.
Protein microarrayA protein microarray (or protein chip) is a high-throughput method used to track the interactions and activities of proteins, and to determine their function, and determining function on a large scale. Its main advantage lies in the fact that large numbers of proteins can be tracked in parallel. The chip consists of a support surface such as a glass slide, nitrocellulose membrane, bead, or microtitre plate, to which an array of capture proteins is bound. Probe molecules, typically labeled with a fluorescent dye, are added to the array.
Whole genome sequencingWhole genome sequencing (WGS), also known as full genome sequencing, complete genome sequencing, or entire genome sequencing, is the process of determining the entirety, or nearly the entirety, of the DNA sequence of an organism's genome at a single time. This entails sequencing all of an organism's chromosomal DNA as well as DNA contained in the mitochondria and, for plants, in the chloroplast. Whole genome sequencing has largely been used as a research tool, but was being introduced to clinics in 2014.