The dynamics of arterial wall remodeling was studied on the basis of a phenomenological mathematical model. Sustained hypertension was simulated by a step increase in blood pressure. Remodeling rate equations were postulated for the evolution of the geometrical dimensions that characterize the zero stress state of the artery. The driving stimuli are the deviations of the extreme values of the circumferential stretch ratios and the average stress from their values at the normotensive state. Arterial wall was considered to be a thick-walled tube made of nonlinear elastic incompressible material. Results showed that thickness increases montonically with time whereas the opening angle exhibits a biphasic pattern. Geometric characteristics reach asymptotically a new homeostatic steady state, in which the stress and strain distribution is practically identical with the distribution under normotensive conditions. The model predictions are in good agreement with published experimental findings.
Marie Estelle Solange Violay, Mateo Alejandro Acosta
Marie Estelle Solange Violay, Mateo Alejandro Acosta