This paper presents the results of an experimental campaign on masonry spandrels. Within this campaign four masonry spandrels were subjected to quasi-static cyclic loading. Two different spandrel configurations were tested. The first configuration comprised a masonry spandrel with a timber lintel and the second configuration a masonry spandrel on a shallow masonry arch. For each configuration two specimens were tested. The first was tested with a constant axial load in the spandrel while for the second specimen the axial load in the spandrel depended on the axial elongation of the spandrel. This paper summarizes the properties of the four test units, the test setup and the most important results from the experiments documenting the failure mechanisms that developed and the force-deformation hysteresis of the spandrel elements. The paper also presents a mechanical model for estimating the peak strength of masonry spandrels.
Alain Nussbaumer, Pieter Christian Louter, Jagoda Cupac
Thomas Keller, Landolf-Giosef-Anastasios Rhode-Barbarigos, Tara Habibi