Machine Readable travel documents have been rapidly put in place since 2004. The initial standard was made by the ICAO and it has been quickly followed by the Extended Access Control (EAC). In this presentation, we discuss about the evolution of these standards and more precisely on the evolution of EAC. This presentation and its related paper [1] intend to give a realistic survey on these standards and discusse about their problems, such as the inexistence of a clock in the biometric passports and the absence of a switch preventing the lecture of a closed passport. We will also look at the issue with retrocompatibility that could be easily solved and the issue with terminal revocation that is harder. Hence the conclusions that we obtained, invalidates the claims of [5]. [1] R. Chaabouni, S. Vaudenay. The Extended Access Control for Machine Readable Travel Documents. In BIOSIG 2009: Biometrics and Electronic Signatures, volume 155 of Lecture Notes in Informatics, pages 93-103, Darmstadt, Germany, 17.-18. September, 2009. Gesellschaft für Informatik. [5] R. Nithyanand. The Evolution of Cryptographic Protocols in Electronic Passports. Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2009/200.