An experimental campaign supports a model named TransChlor for bringing liquid water moved by capillary suction and chloride ions into concrete. The principal objective of the experimental campaign is to represent conventional concretes under real conditions of a local microclimate. Capillarity tests were performed on specimens of three different types of concrete dried at different levels of relative humidity at low temperatures (to -20° C) to represent the effect of a real climate in winter. This article shows that low temperatures decrease water absorption by capillarity. The use of TransChlor to simulate liquid water and chloride ion penetration into concrete is presented with an emphasis on the faster transport mode of chloride ions by convection when water is in contact with concrete.
Kumar Varoon Agrawal, Marina Micari, Xuekui Duan
Kay Severin, Farzaneh Fadaei Tirani, Damien Wen Chen, Cesare Berton, Sylvain Alexandre Marie Sudan