After 10,000 h solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) stack operation, the Cr-poisoning situation in (La0.6Sr0.4) (Co0.2Fe0.8)O-3 (LSCF)-based cathode material is depicted in this work. Systematic Cr profiling by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), from post-operation samples taken at different locations within the air flow field, reveals Cr accumulation in electrochemically active cathode regions, although the major amount of Cr is trapped in inactive surface-proximal cathode regions; the 20 m LSCF current collector does not fully impede the Cr access to the functional cathode.
Xile Hu, Fang Song, Nanjun Chen
Demetri Psaltis, Pooria Hadikhani
Jan Van Herle, Stefan Diethelm, Philippe Aubin, Suhas Nuggehalli Sampathkumar, Maria del Mar Perez Fortes