Biogenic silicaBiogenic silica (bSi), also referred to as opal, biogenic opal, or amorphous opaline silica, forms one of the most widespread biogenic minerals. For example, microscopic particles of silica called phytoliths can be found in grasses and other plants. Silica is an amorphous metal oxide formed by complex inorganic polymerization processes. This is opposed to the other major biogenic minerals, comprising carbonate and phosphate, which occur in nature as crystalline iono-covalent solids (e.g.
Microscopie électronique à balayagethumb|right|Premier microscope électronique à balayage par M von Ardenne thumb|right|Microscope électronique à balayage JEOL JSM-6340F thumb|upright=1.5|Principe de fonctionnement du Microscope Électronique à Balayage La microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB) ou scanning electron microscope (SEM) en anglais est une technique de microscopie électronique capable de produire des images en haute résolution de la surface d’un échantillon en utilisant le principe des interactions électrons-matière.
Spectroscopie ultraviolet-visibleLa spectroscopie ultraviolet-visible ou spectrométrie ultraviolet-visible est une technique de spectroscopie mettant en jeu les photons dont les longueurs d'onde sont dans le domaine de l'ultraviolet ( - ), du visible ( - ) ou du proche infrarouge ( - ). Soumis à un rayonnement dans cette gamme de longueurs d'onde, les molécules, les ions ou les complexes sont susceptibles de subir une ou plusieurs transitions électroniques. Cette spectroscopie fait partie des méthodes de spectroscopie électronique.
Capacitor typesCapacitors are manufactured in many styles, forms, dimensions, and from a large variety of materials. They all contain at least two electrical conductors, called plates, separated by an insulating layer (dielectric). Capacitors are widely used as parts of electrical circuits in many common electrical devices. Capacitors, together with resistors and inductors, belong to the group of passive components in electronic equipment.
Tantalum capacitorA tantalum electrolytic capacitor is an electrolytic capacitor, a passive component of electronic circuits. It consists of a pellet of porous tantalum metal as an anode, covered by an insulating oxide layer that forms the dielectric, surrounded by liquid or solid electrolyte as a cathode. Because of its very thin and relatively high permittivity dielectric layer, the tantalum capacitor distinguishes itself from other conventional and electrolytic capacitors in having high capacitance per volume (high volumetric efficiency) and lower weight.
Applications of capacitorsCapacitors have many uses in electronic and electrical systems. They are so ubiquitous that it is rare that an electrical product does not include at least one for some purpose. Capacitors allow only AC signals to pass when they are charged blocking DC signals. The main components of filters are capacitors. Capacitors have the ability to connect one circuit segment to another. Capacitors are used by Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) devices to represent binary information as bits.
Spectroscopie dans l'infrarouge procheLa spectroscopie dans l'infrarouge proche (ou dans le proche infrarouge, SPIR), souvent désignée par son sigle anglais NIRS (near-infrared spectroscopy), est une technique de mesure et d'analyse des spectres de réflexion dans la gamme de longueurs d'onde (l'infrarouge proche). Cette technique est largement utilisée dans les domaines de la chimie (polymères, pétrochimie, industrie pharmaceutique), de l’alimentation, de l’agriculture ainsi qu'en planétologie. À ces longueurs d’onde, les liaisons chimiques qui peuvent être analysées sont C-H, O-H et N-H.
Electrolytic capacitorAn electrolytic capacitor is a polarized capacitor whose anode or positive plate is made of a metal that forms an insulating oxide layer through anodization. This oxide layer acts as the dielectric of the capacitor. A solid, liquid, or gel electrolyte covers the surface of this oxide layer, serving as the cathode or negative plate of the capacitor. Because of their very thin dielectric oxide layer and enlarged anode surface, electrolytic capacitors have a much higher capacitance-voltage (CV) product per unit volume than ceramic capacitors or film capacitors, and so can have large capacitance values.
Spectroscopie infrarougethumb|Un spectromètre infrarouge. La spectroscopie infrarouge (parfois désignée comme spectroscopie IR) est une classe de spectroscopie qui traite de la région infrarouge du spectre électromagnétique. Elle recouvre une large gamme de techniques, la plus commune étant un type de spectroscopie d'absorption. Comme pour toutes les techniques de spectroscopie, elle peut être employée pour l'identification de composés ou pour déterminer la composition d'un échantillon.
Transmission electron cryomicroscopyTransmission electron cryomicroscopy (CryoTEM), commonly known as cryo-EM, is a form of cryogenic electron microscopy, more specifically a type of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) where the sample is studied at cryogenic temperatures (generally liquid-nitrogen temperatures). Cryo-EM is gaining popularity in structural biology. The utility of transmission electron cryomicroscopy stems from the fact that it allows the observation of specimens that have not been stained or fixed in any way, showing them in their native environment.