Cancer is a global disease and a leading cause of death worldwide. While surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy comprise the classical tools to eradicate tumors, they do not cure cancer, cannot prevent metastases, lead to side effects, and most importantly they do not instruct the patientʼs immune system to recognize and fight tumor cells. Since the discovery of the immune systemʼs implication in cancer, immunotherapies, which aim at using and educating the immune system to fight and reject cancer, have come to complement classical tumor-debulking methods. A major goal of immunotherapy is to induce or activate effector cytotoxic CD8+ T lymphocytes that can infiltrate and kill the tumor while overcoming immune suppressive mechanisms, which impede their efficacy. Moreover, cancer immunotherapies aim at inducing memory to tumor antigens to prevent relapse or metastases, which traditional therapies cannot do. Dendritic cell (DC) targeting and activation are key for inducing adaptive immunity. Our laboratory has developed synthetic nanoparticles (NPs) capable of draining through lymphatics to target skin-draining lymph nodes (LNs) and being phagocytosed by resident antigen-presenting cells (APCs) upon intradermal injection. We developed a reproducible method to conjugate tumor antigens to NPs and co-delivered them with CpG-conjugated NPs. We found that a NP vaccine composed of a single melanoma-derived peptide (TRP- 2180-188) led to dramatic tumor growth delay in melanoma and was more efficient than a NP vaccine containing several tumor antigens from whole tumor cell lysate (TL). These findings contradicted our hypothesis that immunization with TL might lead to a broader T cell response and hence improved therapeutic outcomes. Additionally, we found that the dose of CpG could modulate the magnitude of the therapeutic outcomes in both single epitope and multiple antigen based NP-vaccines. Considering the efficacy of the developed NP vaccines, we used them as a tool to ask a fundamental and extremely relevant question regarding the influence of vaccine administration site on clinical efficacy: is it therapeutically more beneficial to target a tumor- draining lymph node (tdLN), which is immune suppressed but tumor antigen-primed, or a non-tdLN, which is neither suppressed nor primed by the tumor? We found that targeting the tdLN with NP vaccines led to significantly enhanced therapeutic outcomes in two different tumor models over targeting a non-tdLN, and that efficacy relied on NP conjugation of antigen and adjuvant. This suggested that antigen drainage from the tumor might be available to APCs in the tdLN and we further hypothesized that therapies that lead to immunogenic tumor cell death might synergize with a tdLN-targeted adjuvant approach. While cytotoxic modalities, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, have traditionally been used for their ability to kill tumor cells, tumor cells shed antigens and debris upon cell death that drain to the tdLN. Consistent with our hypothesis, targeting an adjuvant to the tdLN enhanced therapeutic benefits of chemo- and radio- therapy, while targeting a non-tdLN did not. We hypothesized that targeting the tdLN with NP vaccines might switch the tdLN microenvironment from a suppressive to an immunogenic one. This suggested that direct targeting of active suppressive mechanisms in the tumor might further improve immunotherapy. We thus engineered a nano-sized micellar carrier loaded with 6-thioguanine (MC-6TG), a cytotoxic drug used in leukemia, and explored its use in targeting T cell- impairing myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) in order to enhance the efficacy of therapeutic vaccines. MC-6TG entirely eradicated both Ly6c+ monocytic and Ly6g+ granulocytic MDSCs for up to 7 d in the blood, tumor and tdLN of tumor-bearing mice. Since MC-6TG also targeted certain subsets of macrophages and DCs, depleting MDSCs did not have an impact on the efficacy of a NP vaccine, which relies on APCs for efficacy. However, MC-6TG synergized with adoptively transferred CD8+ T cells, significantly delaying tumor growth and enhancing survival in a murine model of implantable melanoma. Overall, this thesis describes the design and implementation of a novel approach to immunotherapy: we engineered NP-based therapeutic vaccines, optimized their delivery route to enhance efficacy, and simultaneously tackled immune suppressive cells in the tumor microenvironment to allow optimal therapeutic outcomes. The technologies and methods developed in this work are particularly relevant to clinical oncology and have the potential to benefit cancer patients by improving cancer therapy efficacy.
Didier Trono, Priscilla Turelli, Evaristo Jose Planet Letschert, Filipe Amândio Brandão Sanches Vong Martins, Florian Huber, Olga Marie Louise Rosspopoff, Romain Forey, Sandra Eloise Kjeldsen, Cyril David Son-Tuyên Pulver, Joana Carlevaro Fita