Mémoire vive dynamiqueLa mémoire vive dynamique (en anglais DRAM pour Dynamic Random Access Memory) est un type de mémoire vive compacte et peu dispendieuse. La simplicité structurelle de la DRAM — un pico-condensateur et un transistor pour un bit — permet d'obtenir une densité élevée. Son inconvénient réside dans les courants de fuite des pico-condensateurs : l'information disparaît à moins que la charge des condensateurs ne soit rafraîchie avec une période de quelques millisecondes. D'où le terme de dynamique.
ConstEn programmation dans les langages C ou C++, const est un mot-clé permettant au programmeur de signaler au compilateur que l'élément ainsi qualifié ne doit pas être modifié pendant l'exécution du programme. Cet élément sera donc constant tout le long d'une exécution normale du programme. En tant que mot-clé réservé par spécification du langage, il ne peut être utilisé que pour son objectif, ce qui proscrit, par exemple, son usage en tant que nom de variable. Sa première introduction se situe dans la norme ANSI du langage C de 1989.
Null pointerIn computing, a null pointer or null reference is a value saved for indicating that the pointer or reference does not refer to a valid object. Programs routinely use null pointers to represent conditions such as the end of a list of unknown length or the failure to perform some action; this use of null pointers can be compared to nullable types and to the Nothing value in an option type. A null pointer should not be confused with an uninitialized pointer: a null pointer is guaranteed to compare unequal to any pointer that points to a valid object.
Cache prefetchingCache prefetching is a technique used by computer processors to boost execution performance by fetching instructions or data from their original storage in slower memory to a faster local memory before it is actually needed (hence the term 'prefetch'). Most modern computer processors have fast and local cache memory in which prefetched data is held until it is required. The source for the prefetch operation is usually main memory.
Tagged pointerIn computer science, a tagged pointer is a pointer (concretely a memory address) with additional data associated with it, such as an indirection bit or reference count. This additional data is often "folded" into the pointer, meaning stored inline in the data representing the address, taking advantage of certain properties of memory addressing. The name comes from "tagged architecture" systems, which reserved bits at the hardware level to indicate the significance of each word; the additional data is called a "tag" or "tags", though strictly speaking "tag" refers to data specifying a type, not other data; however, the usage "tagged pointer" is ubiquitous.
Semiconductor memorySemiconductor memory is a digital electronic semiconductor device used for digital data storage, such as computer memory. It typically refers to devices in which data is stored within metal–oxide–semiconductor (MOS) memory cells on a silicon integrated circuit memory chip. There are numerous different types using different semiconductor technologies. The two main types of random-access memory (RAM) are static RAM (SRAM), which uses several transistors per memory cell, and dynamic RAM (DRAM), which uses a transistor and a MOS capacitor per cell.
SDRAMSDRAM ou Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (en français, mémoire dynamique synchrone à accès aléatoire) est un type particulier de mémoire vive dynamique ayant une interface de communication synchrone. Jusqu'à son apparition, les mémoires DRAM étaient asynchrones, cela signifie qu'elles n'attendaient pas un signal de l'horloge du bus pour réagir aux signaux d'entrée, donc qu'elles n'étaient pas synchronisées avec le bus.
Pointeur intelligentEn informatique, un pointeur intelligent (en anglais smart pointer) est un type abstrait de données qui simule le comportement d'un pointeur en y adjoignant des fonctionnalités telles que la libération automatique de la mémoire allouée ou la vérification des bornes. La gestion manuelle de la mémoire dans les langages utilisant les pointeurs est une source courante de bugs, en particulier de fuites de mémoire ou de plantages.
Contrôleur mémoireThe memory controller is a digital circuit that manages the flow of data going to and from the computer's main memory. A memory controller can be a separate chip or integrated into another chip, such as being placed on the same die or as an integral part of a microprocessor; in the latter case, it is usually called an integrated memory controller (IMC). A memory controller is sometimes also called a memory chip controller (MCC) or a memory controller unit (MCU).
Memory latencyMemory latency is the time (the latency) between initiating a request for a byte or word in memory until it is retrieved by a processor. If the data are not in the processor's cache, it takes longer to obtain them, as the processor will have to communicate with the external memory cells. Latency is therefore a fundamental measure of the speed of memory: the less the latency, the faster the reading operation. Latency should not be confused with memory bandwidth, which measures the throughput of memory.