Service System refers to the group of entities that work together to implement a service. An important challenge for the service designer is to organize her conceptualization of the service in a way that helps her identify the functional components required to engineer the service. At a basic level of conceptualization, the functional relevance of an observed category can be historically inspired, empirically informed, rationally thought, or pragmatically focused. From a service-design perspective, the interest in a given phenomenon is limited to its functional organization, which requires taking an exclusively pragmatic view of the world. In this paper, we propose a role-based approach to modeling categories, which requires service-designers assign functional and non-functional roles to categories by making explicit their interpretation of the conceptual relevance of these categories. Staying aware of the design choices will help the service-designer develop an informed model of observed reality, leading to better alignment between the scope and the purpose of the design activity.
Ian Smith, Gennaro Senatore, Arka Prabhata Reksowardojo, Apoorv Srivastava
Dario Floreano, Valentin Wüest, Fabio Bergonti