Past studies conducted in urban areas analyzed the impact of the presence of green spaces on public health, and highlighted in particular the psychological benefits of interacting with nature. To investigate a supposed relationship between overweight and dense built environment, we focused on the State of Geneva, Switzerland, and calculated the correlation between Body Mass Index (BMI) in a representative sample of 6663 adults and the percentage of natural areas at the locations where these individuals were living. To this end, we used populationbased health data from the “Bus Sante” study (Geneva University Hospitals) and multi-scale land cover maps obtained by means of satellite images and LiDAR data classification. We found little correlation between BMI (as a proxy for health) and land cover data and were not able to verify the working hypothesis at local and regional scales. However, an important phenomenon highlighted here is the difference in the results obtained between the city center and the whole State.
Vincent Kaufmann, Sonia Monique Curnier, Renate Albrecher
Devis Tuia, Marc Conrad Russwurm