The ITER Integrated Modelling & Analysis Suite (IMAS) will support both plasma operation and research activities on the ITER tokamak experiment. The IMAS will be accessible to all ITER members as a key tool for the scientific exploitation of ITER. The backbone of the IMAS infrastructure is a standardized, machine-generic data model that represents simulated and experimental data with identical structures. The other outcomes of the IMAS design and prototyping phase are a set of tools to access data and design integrated modelling workflows, as well as first plasma simulators workflows and components implemented with various degrees of modularity.
Drazen Dujic, Yanick Patrick Frei
Minh Quang Tran, René Chavan, Hartmut Zohm, Konstantinos Avramidis
Pascal Fua, Mateusz Kozinski, Leonardo Citraro