Undergraduate educationUndergraduate education is education conducted after secondary education and before postgraduate education. It typically includes all postsecondary programs up to the level of a bachelor's degree. For example, in the United States, an entry-level university student is known as an undergraduate, while students of higher degrees are known as graduate students. Upon completion of a number of required and elective courses as part of an undergraduate program, the student would earn the corresponding degree.
Attitude changeAttitudes are associated beliefs and behaviors towards some object. They are not stable, and because of the communication and behavior of other people, are subject to change by social influences, as well as by the individual's motivation to maintain cognitive consistency when cognitive dissonance occurs—when two attitudes or attitude and behavior conflict. Attitudes and attitude objects are functions of affective and cognitive components. It has been suggested that the inter-structural composition of an associative network can be altered by the activation of a single node.
Engineering educationEngineering education is the activity of teaching knowledge and principles to the professional practice of engineering. It includes an initial education (bachelor's and/or master's degree), and any advanced education and specializations that follow. Engineering education is typically accompanied by additional postgraduate examinations and supervised training as the requirements for a professional engineering license. The length of education, and training to qualify as a basic professional engineer, is typically 5 years, with 15–20 years for an engineer who takes responsibility for major projects.
Bachelor of EngineeringA Bachelor of Engineering (BE or BEngg) or a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSc (Engg) or BSE) is an undergraduate academic degree awarded to a student after three to five years of studying engineering at an accredited college or university. In the United Kingdom, a Bachelor of Engineering degree will be accredited by one of the Engineering Council's professional engineering institutions as suitable for registration as an incorporated engineer or chartered engineer with further study to masters level.
Professional degreeA professional degree, formerly known in the US as a first professional degree, is a degree that prepares someone to work in a particular profession, practice, or industry sector often meeting the academic requirements for licensure or accreditation. Professional degrees may be either graduate or undergraduate entry, depending on the profession concerned and the country, and may be classified as bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degrees.
Norme et standard techniquesUne norme technique est un référentiel établi par un organisme de normalisation officiellement agréé par un État via une organisation nationale de standardisation (comme Afnor pour la France), agréé au niveau Européen (comme le CEN ou le ETSI), ou encore issu d'un traité international (comme ISO). Comme la langue anglaise ne marque pas la différence entre norme et standard (« norme » se dit « standard » en anglais), on parle pour les normes de standards de jure et pour les simples standards, de standards de facto.
Spécification (norme technique)vignette|Exemple de spécifications relatives à un appareil de sécurité. vignette|Plaque de tare d'un camion. Une spécification est un ensemble explicite d'exigences à satisfaire par un matériau, produit ou service. Si un matériau, produit ou service ne parviennent pas à satisfaire à une ou plusieurs des spécifications applicables, il peut être désigné comme étant hors spécification.