Herein, we report a colloidal wet-chem. approach enabling control on dopant concn. and location in a nanocrystal host lattice. Growth-doping and nucleation-doping, driven by primary and tertiary amines, resp., were identified as predominant doping mechanisms responsible for the introduction of nitrogen impurities in interstitial and substitutional sites in highly branched rutile TiO2 nanostructures. High-resoln. XPS was used to distinguish the two nitrogen occupational lattice sites and, in combination with UV-vis absorption spectroscopy, to investigate the impact of the nitrogen impurities on the optoelectronic properties. The implementation of the nitrogen-doped titania nanostructures in photoelectrodes for water oxidn. suggests that these atomically defined building blocks can function as a platform to investigate the impact of the nitrogen occupational sites on the photocatalytic properties. By deliberately choosing precursors and reaction conditions, instead of relying on the most common high temp. annealing of preformed metal oxide in ammonia, we emphasize the importance of understanding the chem. behind doping to achieve an unprecedented level of control on effective dopant introduction and, therefore, property tunability.
Ivo Furno, Alan Howling, Fabio Avino, Rita Agus, Brayden Graham Myers, Lorenzo Ibba, Leonardo Zampieri
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