We present a facile technique for the prepn. of plastic films contg. aligned magnetic nanowires with anisotropic behavior. Solns. of magnetic nanoparticles mixed with polymers are drop casted on a substrate under the application of a weak magnetic field, and upon solvent evapn. the nanoparticles are assembled following the field's direction forming thus aligned nanowires into the polymer. The application of the magnetic field in different time intervals reveals the kinetics of the nanowires formation in the film, while microscopy techniques reveal their morphol. and their positioning in the film. The resulting nanocomposites exhibit magnetic and mech. anisotropy. The efficiency and universality of the method is proved by the assembly of the magnetic nanoparticles with diverse polymers, heterostructures and org. mols. resulting in composite materials for a wide range of applications. Finally, the method is successfully applied during the photopolymn. process, allowing the formation of patterns with aligned nanowires.
Dirk Grundler, Benedetta Flebus
Jürgen Brugger, Giovanni Boero, Xiao Sheng Zhang, Ya Wang