La stimulation transcrânienne à courant direct ou stimulation transcrânienne à courant continu (tDCS) est une technique d’électrostimulation du cerveau, ou stimulation électrique transcrânienne (tES). Elle permet de moduler l'excitabilité corticospinale : deux électrodes, une anode (excitatrice) et une cathode (inhibitrice), sont positionnées sur le crâne en fonction des régions dont on souhaite influencer le fonctionnement.
Functional neurologic disorder or functional neurological disorder (FND) is a condition in which patients experience neurological symptoms such as weakness, movement disorders, sensory symptoms and blackouts. As a functional disorder there is by definition no disease process affecting the structure of the body, yet the person experiences symptoms relating to their body function. Symptoms of functional neurological disorders are clinically recognisable, but are not categorically associated with a definable organic disease.
A microelectrode is an electrode used in electrophysiology either for recording neural signals or for the electrical stimulation of nervous tissue (they were first developed by Ida Hyde in 1921). Pulled glass pipettes with tip diameters of 0.5 μm or less are usually filled with 3 molars potassium chloride solution as the electrical conductor. When the tip penetrates a cell membrane the lipids in the membrane seal onto the glass, providing an excellent electrical connection between the tip and the interior of the cell, which is apparent because the microelectrode becomes electrically negative compared to the extracellular solution.
La philosophie du processus (ou l'ontologie du devenir) identifie la réalité métaphysique avec le changement et le développement. Depuis Platon (mais pas Aristote), de nombreux philosophes ont posé en principe la vraie réalité comme « éternelle », fondée sur les substances permanentes, tandis que les processus sont niés ou subordonnés aux substances éternelles. L'ontologie classique refuse toute réalité complète du changement, qui est conçu comme seulement accidentel et pas comme l'élément essentiel.
Cyberware is a relatively new and unknown field (a proto-science, or more adequately a "proto-technology"). In science fiction circles, however, it is commonly known to mean the hardware or machine parts implanted in the human body and acting as an interface between the central nervous system and the computers or machinery connected to it. More formally: Cyberware is technology that attempts to create a working interface between machines/computers and the human nervous system, including the brain.