Many perovskite materials experience a temperature-driven phase transition at the Curie temperature from a non-centrosymmetric polar ferroelectric phase to a paraelectric phase, where polarization is lost. The paraelectric phase is usually centrosymmetric and therefore non-piezoelectric. However, ferroelectrics still show some forms of electro-mechanical coupling in their paraelectric phase like flexoelectricity, which is not symmetry limited and is practically strong in ferroelectrics. It has been shown that the flexoelectric coefficient of perovskite (Ba0.67,Sr0.33)TiO3 in its centrosymmetric paraelectric state at room temperature is up to three to four orders of magnitude larger than its theoretically predicted values. Such enormous discrepancy demonstrates that either the theory is unable to fully explain the flexoelectric response, or that another electro-mechanical mechanism is playing a role in the apparently large flexoelectric response of the material. It was found that Ba0.60Sr0.40TiO3 (BST6040) samples with apparently large flexoelectric coefficient exhibit symmetry breaking and consequently exhibit forbidden piezoelectric- and pyroelectric-like behavior in its paraelectric phase. In this thesis work, our interest lies in describing and interpreting the conditions where breaking of the symmetry is not associated with the external field nor with the flexoelectricity, but is proper to the material. Origins and mechanism of symmetry breaking were investigated in two different cases: local breaking of centrosymmetry; and macroscopic symmetry breaking. The local breaking of the centrosymmetry may refer to the existence of microscopic polar entities and/or disordered displacement of ions in the unit cell. The global symmetry breaking could be associated with a non-uniform distribution of charged defects and/or the coupling of polar nanoâregions with the strain gradient in the sample. We compared dielectric, elastic, and pyroelectric properties of the Ba1-xSrxTiO3 (BST) family, pure BaTiO3 in perovskite (p-BTO) and hexagonal (h-BTO) forms, and SrTiO3 to study the governing mechanisms of symmetry breaking. In addition, the atomic structure of BST6040 was studied by high resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy for direct evidence of polar regions and to understand their exact nature and origin. According to experimental data, the paraelectric phase of p-BTO shows local and global breaking of nominal centrosymmetricity and possesses microscopic and macroscopic polarizations, which are associated with precursors of the ferroelectric phase ordered by the strain gradient in the sample. On the other hand, h-BTO does not exhibit macroscopic pyroelectric response because the precursors are paraelectric-ferroelastic at room temperature, and therefore non-polar. Studying the material response to dynamic electric field showed that the Rayleigh-like relation, which describes dynamics of domain walls in a random pinning environment, cannot describe the dynamics of polar entities in these materials. Results of our high-resolution atomic studies showed distinct static polar clusters with the average size of few nanometers where A-site, B-site and O ions are displaced from their ideal cubic positions. We believe that all presented experimental data can be consistently explained by the presence of microscopic precursors of the ferroelectric phase and their interaction with the strain gradient in the material.
Dragan Damjanovic, Xiaolong Li