One of the main strengths of self-reconfigurable modular robots (SRMR) is their ability to shape-shift and dynamically change their morphology. In the case of our SRMR system “Roombots”, these shapes can be quite arbitrary for a great variety of tasks while the major utility is envisioned to be self-reconfigurable furniture. As such, the ideas and inspirations from users quickly need to be translated into the final Roombots shape. This involves a multitude of separate processes and - most importantly - requires an intuitive user interface. Our current approach led to the development of a tangible user interface (TUI) which involves 3D-scanning of a shape formed by modeling clay and the necessary steps to prepare the digitized model to be formed by Roombots. The system is able to generate a solution in less than two minutes for our target use as demonstrated with various examples.
Siara Ruth Isaac, Barbara Bruno, Gianni Lodetti
Cédric Duchene, Nicolas Henchoz, Emily Clare Groves, Romain Simon Collaud, Andreas Sonderegger, Yoann Pierre Douillet
Herbert Shea, Amir Firouzeh, Ayana Mizutani