Uncertainty levels in forecasting of renewable generation and demand are known to affect the amount of reserve required to operate the power grid with a given level of reliability. In this paper, we quantify the effects on the system reserve and reliability, due to the local dispatch of stochastic demand and renewable generation. The analysis is performed considering the model of the IEEE 39-bus system, with detailed dynamic models of conventional generation, wind generation, demand and an under frequency load shedding mechanism. The analysis compares two cases: the base case, where renewable generation and demand power are stochastic and the power reserve is provided by conventional generation, against the case where the operation of traditionally stochastic resources is dispatched according to pre-established dispatch plans thanks to controlling local flexibility. Simulations reproduce the post-contingency dynamic behavior of the grid due to outages of generators. The contingencies are selected to trigger under frequency load shedding mechanisms, hence to demonstrate the different levels of system operation reliability for the two case studies. Simulation results show that dispatching traditionally stochastic generation scores better regarding to expected energy not served, producing an increase of the system reliability.
François Maréchal, Luc Girardin, Francesco Baldi, Luise Middelhauve