This data article presents a methodology and the corresponding code developed to perform and process stress relaxation tests where samples display superimposed (i) classical, continuous logarithmic relaxation together with (ii) sudden displacements manifest as abrupt stress decreases. The method extracts the activation area characteristic of the thermally activated mechanism that drives continuous plastic deformation in the material. We report stress relaxation data appertaining to as-cast (27) and annealed (2) aluminium microwires produced through a micro casting process. For an interpretation and discussion of the data on annealed microwires the reader is referred to "The effect of size on the plastic deformation of annealed cast aluminium microwires" (Verheyden et al., In Press) [1]. For full descriptions of the production process of aluminium microwires or of the tensile testing equipment and procedure the reader is referred to Krebs et al. (2017) [2]. (C) 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Andreas Mortensen, Léa Deillon, Suzanne Godelieve Alphonsine Verheyden
Philippe Spätig, Hans-Peter Seifert