Nanoparticles and method for producing uniform silicate-based nanoparticles are disclosed. The method comprises a step of injecting into tubular branched elements comprising static mixers a first aqueous solution comprising a water-soluble silicate compound and a second aqueous solution comprising a water-soluble compound releasing cationic species in solution, and allowing the reaction between the first and the second aqueous solutions in a micro-mixing regime, the method being characterized in that the overall mixing time is kept below 10−5 s. A further step of allowing the solution obtained in the micro-mixing regime to mix in a macromixing regime. Nanoparticles obtained through the present method are also disclosed.
Rachid Guerraoui, Nirupam Gupta, John Stephan, Sadegh Farhadkhani, Youssef Allouah, Rafaël Benjamin Pinot
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