The timing and duration of sleep results from the interaction between a homeostatic sleep-wake-driven process and a periodic circadian process, and involves changes in gene regulation and expression. Unraveling the contributions of both processes and their interaction to transcriptional and epigenomic regulatory dynamics requires sampling over time under conditions of unperturbed and perturbed sleep. We profiled mRNA expression and chromatin accessibility in the cerebral cortex of mice over a 3-d period, including a 6-h sleep deprivation (SD) on day 2. We used mathematical modeling to integrate time series of mRNA expression data with sleep-wake history, which established that a large proportion of rhythmic genes are governed by the homeostatic process with varying degrees of interaction with the circadian process, sometimes working in opposition. Remarkably, SD caused long-term effects on gene-expression dynamics, outlasting phenotypic recovery, most strikingly illustrated by a damped oscillation of most core clock genes, including Arntl/Bmal1, suggesting that enforced wakefulness directly impacts the molecular clock machinery. Chromatin accessibility proved highly plastic and dynamically affected by SD. Dynamics in distal regions, rather than promoters, correlated with mRNA expression, implying that changes in expression result from constitutively accessible promoters under the influence of enhancers or repressors. Serum response factor (SRF) was predicted as a transcriptional regulator driving immediate response, suggesting that SRF activity mirrors the build-up and release of sleep pressure. Our results demonstrate that a single, short SD has long-term aftereffects at the genomic regulatory level and highlights the importance of the sleep-wake distribution to diurnal rhythmicity and circadian processes.
Maude Schneider, Farnaz Delavari
Cédric Gobet, Sylviane Métairon, Frédéric Bruno Martin Gachon, Benjamin Dieter Weger