While in recent years gyrokinetic simulations have become the workhorse for theoretical turbulence and transport studies in the plasma core, their application to the edge and scrape-off layer (SOL) region presents significant challenges. In particular, steep density and temperature gradients as well as large fluctuation amplitudes call for a "full-f" treatment. To specifically study problems in the SOL region, the gyrokinetic particle-in-cell (PIC) code PICLS has been developed. The code is based on an electrostatic full-f model with linearized field equations and uses kinetic electrons. Here, the well-studied parallel transport problem during an edge-localized mode in the SOL shall be investigated for one spatial dimension. The results are compared to previous gyrokinetic continuum and fully kinetic PIC simulations and show good agreement.
François Gallaire, Yves-Marie François Ducimetière
Stephan Brunner, Alberto Bottino
Claudia Rebeca Binder Signer, Romano Tobias Wyss, Gloria Serra Coch, Maria Anna Hecher