All organisms are made to a large extent of soft matter - macromolecules such as proteins and polysaccharides, or assemblies of small molecules such as lipids embedded in an aqueous environment. Understanding the role of order in soft matter presents a challenge for experimentalists because such systems are neither completely disordered nor perfectly crystalline. This is especially the case for the aqueous environment itself whose order fluctuates on femto- and pico-second time scales. In this thesis, we attempt to elucidate the presence, extent, changes, and implications of orientational order in several soft matter systems: from polyelectrolyte solutions to lipid membrane interfaces and supramolecular structures. To perform this task, we employ nonlinear optical techniques: second-harmonic and sum-frequency scattering. In the first two chapters, we explore the structure of water in aqueous polyelectrolyte solutions. Polyelectrolytes of high molecular mass are shown to induce orientational order in water that spans hundreds of nanometers. Using an adapted model of second-harmonic scattering from charged particles, we can explain the observed ordering in terms of weakly screened long-range electrostatic interactions that perturb the structure of water via charge-dipole interactions. Upon exchanging ordinary (light) water for heavy water, we observe a significant nuclear quantum effect in the induced order, indicating that bulk water-water correlations are enhanced as well by polyelectrolytes. In the following chapter, we exploit the same nuclear quantum effect in polyelectrolyte solutions to show that the polyelectrolyte-induced orientational order correlates with an anomalous increase in the reduced viscosity. We propose that the viscosity anomaly arises from enhanced order in a solvent which hinders the viscous flow. This observation represents a rare direct link between a microscopic property and a macroscopic observable. In the last two chapters, we change focus from homogeneous solutions to dispersions of liposomes which serve as models of biological membranes. In Chapter 5 we explore the binding of the protein alpha-synuclein to anionic vesicles from the perspective of interfacial water. We show that the adsorption of the protein to a vesicle decreases the order in the interfacial water by 30% but does not affect the surface nor the zeta potential. We propose that the changes in the structure of interfacial water can serve as a label-free probe of protein binding. In the last chapter, we investigate the supramolecular chemistry of inclusion complexes of methyl-β-cyclodextrin with various lipids. By combining multiple nonlinear scattering techniques, we show that the complexes self-assemble into micrometer-long directed fibers. Based on measurements of different lipids, we propose that the self-assembly process is driven by hydrogen bonding between the lipid headgroup and cyclodextrin. Lastly, we show that the long-range order of the self-assembled structure is transmitted into the structure of the hydrating water.
Raffaella Buonsanti, Philippe Benjamin Green, Alexander Nicolas Chen, Victoria Lapointe