The three-dimensional (3D) structure of the reaction center (RC) complex isolated from the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum was determined from projections of negatively stained preparations by angular reconstitution. The purified complex contained the PscA, PscC, PscB, PscD subunits and the Fenna-Matthews-Olson (FMO) protein. Its mass was found to be 454 kDa by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), indicating the presence of two copies of the PscA subunit, one copy of the PscB and PscD subunits, three FMO proteins and at least one copy of the PscC subunit. An additional mass peak at 183 kDa suggested that FMO trimers copurify with the RC complexes. Images of negatively stained RC complexes were recorded by STEM and aligned and classified by multivariate statistical analysis. Averages of the major classes indicated that different morphologies of the elongated particles (length = 19 nm, width = 8 nm) resulted from a rotation around the long axis. The 3D map reconstructed from these projections allowed visualization of the RC complex associated with one FMO trimer. A second FMO trimer could be correspondingly accommodated to yield a symmetric complex, a structure observed in a small number of side views and proposed to be the intact form of the RC complex. (C) 1999 Academic Press.
Fabrizio Carbone, Giovanni Maria Vanacore, Ivan Madan, Ido Kaminer, Simone Gargiulo, Ebrahim Karimi