Crystalline Silicon (c-Si) solar cells are dominating the photovoltaic (PV) market. Owing to their large manufacturing capacity, reliability and efficiency, c-Si solar cells are now cost-competitive with other non-renewable electricity sources in many places. The price of c-Si modules has been decreasing drastically for the past decades. They now account for less than half of the cost of a PV system. Other costs come from the balance-of-system and these are rather inflexible. And so increasing efficiency of solar modules is the most efficient approach to lower the cost of PV electricity. One issue is that c-Si cells are approaching their efficiency limit. One strategy to increase efficiency beyond this limit relies on adding another solar cell on c-Si to form a tandem solar cell as thermalisation losses are reduced. Metal lead halide perovskite solar cells are promising top cell candidates for c-Si based on their high optoelectronic properties, band gap tunability, high efficiencies, ease of manufacturing and low material costs. By combining both technologies, efficiencies >30% are realistic, well above best-in-class c-Si cells.
This thesis aims to produce high efficiency perovskite solar cells for 2-terminal monolithic tandems on c-Si. First, we develop a perovskite fabrication method, which employs thermal evaporation to produce a lead halide template and then organohalide spin-coating. By varying composition at each step, the perovskite band gap can be tuned in the range 1.6-1.8 eV, ideal values for 2-terminal tandems. The use of the template makes the deposition compatible with various substrate textures. Then, we develop a recombination junction that features nanocrystalline hydrogenated silicon layers (nc-Si:H). When used with a font-side polished c-Si bottom cell, it shows a superior optical performance compared to standard transparent conductive oxides thanks to a better matching of refractive indices. Owing to its low conductivity, the top cell leakage current is reduced, enabling to scale-up the cell area. Then, perovskite/c-Si tandems featuring a double-side textured c-Si wafer are demonstrated, achieving a certified efficiency of 25.2%. This efficiency, the highest at the time of publication, is enabled by low reflection losses and efficient light trapping thanks to the c-Si pyramids present on both sides. More importantly, this double-side texture yields an optically close-to-optimum system that is simpler and more efficient compared to alternatives. Furthermore, this top cell process flow does not require any modification to existing c-Si manufacturing production lines as these use front-side textured c-Si.
In the second part, we replace the spin-coating of organohalides by a vapour transport deposition (VTD) using a home-made vapour transport deposition setup that offers large processing flexibility. Using a thermally evaporated lead iodide template and methylammonium iodide vapours, perovskite solar cells with an efficiency > 12% are made. Thanks to the presence of a showerhead, a homogeneous perovskite growth is obtained on 6 inch textured c-Si substrates, the industry standard. The VTD of formaminidium iodide (FAI) is more challenging. A trimerisation of FAI forms sym-triazine, which does not react with the template to form the perovskite. Still, in the presence of ammonium cations, sym-triazine can be cleaved to form formamidine, thus offering an alternative pathway to deposit perovskite layers.
Christophe Ballif, Alessandro Francesco Aldo Virtuani, Olatz Arriaga Arruti, Luca Gnocchi
Mounir Driss Mensi, Masaud Hassan S Almalki, Anwar Qasem M Alanazi