Algèbre LinéaireUn MOOC francophone d'algèbre linéaire accessible à tous, enseigné de manière rigoureuse et ne nécessitant aucun prérequis.
Algèbre LinéaireUn MOOC francophone d'algèbre linéaire accessible à tous, enseigné de manière rigoureuse et ne nécessitant aucun prérequis.
Algèbre Linéaire (Deparis)Un MOOC francophone d'algèbre linéaire accessible à tous, enseigné de manière rigoureuse et ne nécessitant aucun prérequis.
Neuroscience Reconstructed: Cell BiologyThis course will provide the fundamental knowledge in neuroscience required to
understand how the brain is organised and how function at multiple scales is
integrated to give rise to cognition and beh
Neuroscience Reconstructed: Cell BiologyThis course will provide the fundamental knowledge in neuroscience required to
understand how the brain is organised and how function at multiple scales is
integrated to give rise to cognition and beh
Neuroscience Reconstructed: ProteomicsThis course will provide the fundamental knowledge in neuroscience required to
understand how the brain is organised and how function at multiple scales is
integrated to give rise to cognition and beh
Neuroscience Reconstructed: ProteomicsThis course will provide the fundamental knowledge in neuroscience required to
understand how the brain is organised and how function at multiple scales is
integrated to give rise to cognition and beh
Selected Topics on Discrete ChoiceDiscrete choice models are used extensively in many disciplines where it is important to predict human behavior at a disaggregate level. This course is a follow up of the online course “Introduction t