We introduce the LEnSed laeS in the Eboss suRvey (LESSER) project, which aims to search for lensed Lyman-alpha emitters (LAEs) in the Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS). The final catalogue contains 361 candidate lensing systems. The lens galaxies are luminous red galaxies (LRGs) at redshift 0.4 < z < 0.8, and the source galaxies are LAEs at redshift 2 < z < 3. The spectral resolution of eBOSS (similar to 2000) allows us to further identify the fine structures of Lyman-alpha (Ly alpha) emissions. Among our lensed LAE candidates, 281 systems present single-peaked line profiles while 80 systems show double-peaked features. Future spectroscopic/imaging follow-up observations of the catalogue may shed light on the origin of diverse Ly alpha line morphology, and provide promising labs for studying low-mass dark matter haloes/subhaloes.
Stewart Cole, Xin Chen, Jean-Paul Richard Kneib, Eduardo Sanchez, Zheng Zheng, Andrei Variu, Daniel Felipe Forero Sanchez, Hua Zhang, Sun Hee Kim, Cheng Zhao, Anand Stéphane Raichoor, David Schlegel, Jiangyan Yang, Ting Tan, Zhifeng Ding, Arjun Dey
Yi Zhang, Stewart Cole, Anand Stéphane Raichoor, Arjun Dey