This work presents ReBeatICG, a real-time, low-complexity beat-to-beat impedance cardiography (ICG) delineation algorithm that allows hemodynamic parameters monitoring. The proposed procedure relies only on the ICG signal compared to most algorithms found in the literature that rely on synchronous electrocardiogram signal (ECG) recordings. ReBeatICG was designed with implementation on an ultra-low-power microcontroller (MCU) in mind. The detection accuracy of the developed algorithm is tested against points manually labeled by cardiologists. It achieves a detection Gmean accuracy of 94.9%, 98.6%, 90.3%, and 84.3% for the B, C, X, and O points, respectively. Furthermore, several hemodynamic parameters were calculated based on annotated characteristic points and compared with values generated from the cardiologists' annotations. ReBeatICG achieved mean error rates of 0.11ms, 9.72ms, 8.32ms, and 3.97% for HR, LVET, IVRT, and relative C-point amplitude, respectively.
Luca Benini, Davide Scaramuzza