Medical image computingMedical image computing (MIC) is an interdisciplinary field at the intersection of computer science, information engineering, electrical engineering, physics, mathematics and medicine. This field develops computational and mathematical methods for solving problems pertaining to medical images and their use for biomedical research and clinical care. The main goal of MIC is to extract clinically relevant information or knowledge from medical images.
Spatiotemporal gene expressionSpatiotemporal gene expression is the activation of genes within specific tissues of an organism at specific times during development. Gene activation patterns vary widely in complexity. Some are straightforward and static, such as the pattern of tubulin, which is expressed in all cells at all times in life. Some, on the other hand, are extraordinarily intricate and difficult to predict and model, with expression fluctuating wildly from minute to minute or from cell to cell.
Coronal planeThe coronal plane (also known as the frontal plane) is an anatomical plane that divides the body into dorsal and ventral sections. It is perpendicular to the sagittal and transverse planes. The coronal plane is an example of a longitudinal plane. For a human, the mid-coronal plane would transect a standing body into two halves (front and back, or anterior and posterior) in an imaginary line that cuts through both shoulders.
Assemblage de photosL'assemblage de photos est un procédé consistant à combiner plusieurs se recouvrant, dans le but de produire un panorama ou une image de haute définition. thumb|right|upright=2|alt=Exemple de détection de zones de recouvrement pour l'assemblage d'un panorama : une série de six images sont assemblées en panorama, une ligne rouge délimitant les zones de recouvrement.|Exemple de détection de zones de recouvrement pour l'assemblage d'un panorama. Photographie panoramique Panographie Catégorie:Vision artificiel
Apprentissage par renforcement profondL'apprentissage par renforcement profond (en anglais : deep reinforcement learning ou deep RL) est un sous-domaine de l'apprentissage automatique (en anglais : machine learning) qui combine l'apprentissage par renforcement et l'apprentissage profond (en anglais : deep learning). L'apprentissage par renforcement considère le problème d'un agent informatique (par exemple, un robot, un agent conversationnel, un personnage dans un jeu vidéo, etc.) qui apprend à prendre des décisions par essais et erreurs.
Learning to rankLearning to rank or machine-learned ranking (MLR) is the application of machine learning, typically supervised, semi-supervised or reinforcement learning, in the construction of ranking models for information retrieval systems. Training data consists of lists of items with some partial order specified between items in each list. This order is typically induced by giving a numerical or ordinal score or a binary judgment (e.g. "relevant" or "not relevant") for each item.
Gene expression profilingIn the field of molecular biology, gene expression profiling is the measurement of the activity (the expression) of thousands of genes at once, to create a global picture of cellular function. These profiles can, for example, distinguish between cells that are actively dividing, or show how the cells react to a particular treatment. Many experiments of this sort measure an entire genome simultaneously, that is, every gene present in a particular cell. Several transcriptomics technologies can be used to generate the necessary data to analyse.
Labeled dataLabeled data is a group of samples that have been tagged with one or more labels. Labeling typically takes a set of unlabeled data and augments each piece of it with informative tags. For example, a data label might indicate whether a photo contains a horse or a cow, which words were uttered in an audio recording, what type of action is being performed in a video, what the topic of a news article is, what the overall sentiment of a tweet is, or whether a dot in an X-ray is a tumor.
NeuroanatomieLa neuroanatomie est la branche de l'anatomie consacrée à la description du système nerveux central (encéphale et moelle épinière) et périphérique (racines, plexus, nerfs rachidiens et nerfs crâniens). Une difficulté particulière à la description anatomique du système nerveux est l'absence de lien apparent entre structures macroscopiques (notamment de l'organe principal qu'est le cerveau) et fonctions, celles-ci étant assurées par un tissu constitutif relativement homogène fait de cellules, neurones et cellules gliales, fortement connectées les unes aux autres.
Coupe sagittaleThe sagittal plane (ˈsædʒɪtəl; also known as the longitudinal plane) is an anatomical plane that divides the body into right and left sections. It is perpendicular to the transverse and coronal planes. The plane may be in the center of the body and divide it into two equal parts (mid-sagittal), or away from the midline and divide it into unequal parts (para-sagittal). The term sagittal was coined by Gerard of Cremona. Examples of sagittal planes include: The terms median plane or mid-sagittal plane are sometimes used to describe the sagittal plane running through the midline.