When exposed to a thermal gradient, reaction networks can convert thermal energy into the chemical selection of states that would be unfavourable at equilibrium. The kinetics of reaction paths, and thus how fast they dissipate available energy, might be dominant in dictating the stationary populations of all chemical states out of equilibrium. This phenomenology has been theoretically explored mainly in the infinite diffusion limit. Here, we show that the regime in which the diffusion rate is finite, and also slower than some chemical reactions, might bring about interesting features, such as the maximisation of selection or the switch of the selected state at stationarity. We introduce a framework, rooted in a time-scale separation analysis, which is able to capture leading non-equilibrium features using only equilibrium arguments under well-defined conditions. In particular, it is possible to identify fast-dissipation sub-networks of reactions whose Boltzmann equilibrium dominates the steady-state of the entire system as a whole. Finally, we also show that the dissipated heat (and so the entropy production) can be estimated, under some approximations, through the heat capacity of fast-dissipation sub-networks. This work provides a tool to develop an intuitive equilibrium-based grasp on complex non-isothermal reaction networks, which are important paradigms to understand the emergence of complex structures from basic building blocks.
Nicola Marzari, Lorenzo Monacelli
Giovanni Pizzi, Ivano Eligio Castelli, Francisco Fernando Ramirez