The calculation of the impact pressure on obstacles in granular flows is a fundamental issue of practical relevance, e.g. for snow avalanches impacting obstacles. Previous research shows that the load on the obstacle builds up, due to the formation of force chains originating from the obstacle and extending into the granular material. This leads to the formation of a mobilized domain, wherein the flow is influenced by the presence of the obstacle. To identify the link between the physical mobilized domain properties and the pressure exerted on obstacles, we simulate subcritical cohesionless and cohesive avalanches of soft particles past obstacles with circular, rectangular or triangular cross-section using the Discrete Element Method. Our results show that the impact pressure decreases non-linearly with increasing obstacle width, regardless of the obstacle’s cross-section. While the mobilized domain size is proportional to the obstacle width, the pressure decrease with increasing width originates from the jammed material inside the mobilized domain. We provide evidence that the compression inside the mobilized domain governs the pressure build-up for cohesionless subcritical granular flows. In the cohesive case, the stress transmission in the compressed mobilized domain is further enhanced, causing a pressure increase compared with the cohesionless case. Considering a kinetic and a gravitational contribution, we are able to calculate the impact pressure based on the properties of the mobilized domain. The equations used for the pressure calculation in this article may be useful in future predictive pressure calculations based on mobilized domain properties.
Anton Schleiss, Michael Pfister, José Pedro Gamito de Saldanha Calado Matos, Mohammad Javad Ostad Mirza
Giovanni De Cesare, Pedro Filipe De Almeida Manso, Francisca Marco Cutillas