With ongoing global warming, snow avalanche dynamics may change as snow cohesion and friction strongly depend on temperature. In the field, a diversity of avalanche flow regimes has been reported including fast, sheared flows and slow plugs. While the significant role of cohesion and friction has been recognized, it is unclear how these mechanical properties affect avalanche flow regimes. Here, we model granular avalanches on a periodic inclined plane, using the distinct element method to better understand and quantify how inter-particle cohesion and ground friction influences avalanche velocity profiles. The cohesion between particles is modeled through bonds that can subsequently break and form, thus representing fragmentation and aggregation potentials, respectively. The implemented model shows a good ability to reproduce the various flow regimes and transitions as observed in nature: for low cohesion, highly sheared and fast flows are obtained while slow plugs form above a critical cohesion value and for lower ground frictions. Simulated velocity profiles are successfully compared to experimental measurements from the real-scale test site of Vallee de la Sionne in Switzerland. Even though the model represents a strong simplification of the reality, it offers a solid basis for further investigation of relevant processes happening in snow avalanches, such as segregation, erosion and entrainment, with strong impacts on avalanche dynamics research, especially in a climate change context.
Michael Lehning, Adrien Michel, Yasmine Zakari