Vidéothumb|Réalisateur vidéo Le terme vidéo désigne à la fois l'ensemble des techniques permettant la constitution d'un signal électrique représentant des s animées et la restitution de celles-ci ainsi que ce signal lui-même. Le signal vidéo se caractérise par différents paramètres normalisés : cadence image / trame, résolution, standard couleur éventuellement associé, composition analogique ou numérique, format d'image, données associées... Le mot « vidéo » provient du latin « video » signifiant « je vois », apocope de vidéophonie ou de vidéogramme.
Digital videoDigital video is an electronic representation of moving visual images (video) in the form of encoded digital data. This is in contrast to analog video, which represents moving visual images in the form of analog signals. Digital video comprises a series of s displayed in rapid succession, usually at 24, 30, or 60 frames per second. Digital video has many advantages such as easy copying, multicasting, sharing and storage. Digital video was first introduced commercially in 1986 with the Sony D1 format, which recorded an uncompressed standard-definition component video signal in digital form.
Video coding formatA video coding format (or sometimes video compression format) is a content representation format for storage or transmission of digital video content (such as in a data file or bitstream). It typically uses a standardized video compression algorithm, most commonly based on discrete cosine transform (DCT) coding and motion compensation. A specific software, firmware, or hardware implementation capable of compression or decompression to/from a specific video coding format is called a video codec.
Video qualityVideo quality is a characteristic of a video passed through a video transmission or processing system that describes perceived video degradation (typically, compared to the original video). Video processing systems may introduce some amount of distortion or artifacts in the video signal that negatively impacts the user's perception of a system. For many stakeholders in video production and distribution, assurance of video quality is an important task. Video quality evaluation is performed to describe the quality of a set of video sequences under study.
Professional video cameraA professional video camera (often called a television camera even though its use has spread beyond television) is a high-end device for creating electronic moving images (as opposed to a movie camera, that earlier recorded the images on film). Originally developed for use in television studios or with outside broadcast trucks, they are now also used for music videos, direct-to-video movies (see digital movie camera), corporate and educational videos, wedding videos, among other uses.
ClipUn clip, provenant de l'anglais signifiant « extrait » ou vidéoclip, clip vidéo ou clip musical en anglais désigne un vidéogramme produit pour la télévision ou l'édition vidéographique. Un clip est généralement d'une durée réduite proche de celle d'un court-métrage, réalisée comme support visuel d'un morceau de musique ou d'une chanson. Dans les années 1960 et 1970, des films destinés à alimenter des « jukebox cinéma » installés dans des lieux publics notamment sous la formule du Scopitone, projettent sur un écran dépoli, une chanson ou un morceau de musique illustrées d'images filmées ou animées.
Video codecA video codec is software or hardware that compresses and decompresses digital video. In the context of video compression, codec is a portmanteau of encoder and decoder, while a device that only compresses is typically called an encoder, and one that only decompresses is a decoder. The compressed data format usually conforms to a standard video coding format. The compression is typically lossy, meaning that the compressed video lacks some information present in the original video.
Quality (business)In business, engineering, and manufacturing, quality – or high quality – has a pragmatic interpretation as the non-inferiority or superiority of something (goods or services); it is also defined as being suitable for the intended purpose (fitness for purpose) while satisfying customer expectations. Quality is a perceptual, conditional, and somewhat subjective attribute and may be understood differently by different people. Consumers may focus on the specification quality of a product/service, or how it compares to competitors in the marketplace.
Management de la qualitévignette|La roue de Deming illustre le processus d'amélioration continue, l'un des principes fondamentaux du management de la qualité. Le management de la qualité, ou gestion de la qualité, est une discipline du management regroupant l'ensemble des concepts et méthodes visant à satisfaire les clients d'un organisme (en général les entreprises, associations, organismes publics) et à fournir des produits et services correspondant à leurs attentes.
Video cameraA video camera is an optical instrument that captures videos (as opposed to a movie camera, which records images on film). Video cameras were initially developed for the television industry but have since become widely used for a variety of other purposes. Video cameras are used primarily in two modes. The first, characteristic of much early broadcasting, is live television, where the camera feeds real time images directly to a screen for immediate observation.