The use of TMS-EEG coupling as a neuroimaging tool for the functional exploration of the human brain recently gained strong interest. If this tool directly inherits the fine temporal resolution from EEG, its spatial counterpart remains unknown. In this study, we explored the spatial resolution of TMS-EEG coupling by evaluating the min-imal distance between two stimulated cortical sites that would significantly evoke different response dynamics. TMS evoked responses were mapped on the sensorimotor region in twenty participants. The stimulation grid was composed of nine targets separated between 10 and 15 mm on average. The dynamical signatures of TMS evoked activity were extracted and compared between sites using both local and remote linear regression scores and spatial generalized mixed models. We found a significant effect of the distance between stimulated sites on their dynamical signatures, neighboring sites showing differentiable response dynamics. Besides, common dynamical signatures were also found between sites up to 25-30 mm from each other. This overlap in dynamical properties decreased with distance and was stronger between sites within the same Brodmann area. Our results suggest that the spatial resolution of TMS-EEG coupling might be at least as high as 10 mm. Furthermore, our results reveal an anisotropic spatial resolution that was higher across than within the same Brodmann areas, in accordance with the TMS induced E-field modeling. Common cytoarchitectonic leading to shared dynamical properties within the same Brodmann area could also explain this anisotropy. Overall, these findings suggest that TMS-EEG benefits from the spatial resolution of TMS, which makes it an accurate technique for meso-scale brain mapping.
Dimitri Nestor Alice Van De Ville, Maria Giulia Preti, Thuy Anh Khoa Nguyen, Katrin Petermann, Simona Leserri