Modèle probitEn statistiques, le modèle probit est un modèle de régression binomiale. Le modèle probit a été introduit par Chester Bliss en 1934. C'est un cas particulier du modèle linéaire généralisé. Soit Y une variable aléatoire binaire (i.e. prenant pour valeur 0 ou 1) et X un vecteur de variables dont on suppose qu'il influence Y. On fait l'hypothèse que le modèle s'écrit de la manière suivante : où désigne la fonction de répartition de la loi normale centrée réduite. Régression logistique Catégorie:Modèle statist
Computational resourceIn computational complexity theory, a computational resource is a resource used by some computational models in the solution of computational problems. The simplest computational resources are computation time, the number of steps necessary to solve a problem, and memory space, the amount of storage needed while solving the problem, but many more complicated resources have been defined. A computational problem is generally defined in terms of its action on any valid input.
State space (physics)In physics, a state space is an abstract space in which different "positions" represent, not literal locations, but rather states of some physical system. This makes it a type of phase space. Specifically, in quantum mechanics a state space is a complex Hilbert space in which each unit vector represents a different state that could come out of a measurement. Each unit vector specifies a different dimension, so the numbers of dimensions in this Hilbert space depends on the system we choose to describe.
Moyal bracketIn physics, the Moyal bracket is the suitably normalized antisymmetrization of the phase-space star product. The Moyal bracket was developed in about 1940 by José Enrique Moyal, but Moyal only succeeded in publishing his work in 1949 after a lengthy dispute with Paul Dirac. In the meantime this idea was independently introduced in 1946 by Hip Groenewold. The Moyal bracket is a way of describing the commutator of observables in the phase space formulation of quantum mechanics when these observables are described as functions on phase space.