The Spindle Assembly Abnormal Protein 6 (SAS-6) forms dimers, which then self-assemble into rings that are critical for the nine-fold symmetry of the centriole organelle. It has recently been shown experimentally that the self-assembly of SAS-6 rings is strongly facilitated on a surface, shifting the reaction equilibrium by four orders of magnitude compared to the bulk. Moreover, a fraction of non-canonical symmetries (i.e., different from nine) was observed. In order to understand which aspects of the system are relevant to ensure efficient self-assembly and selection of the nine-fold symmetry, we have performed Brownian dynamics computer simulation with patchy particles and then compared our results with the experimental ones. Adsorption onto the surface was simulated by a grand canonical Monte Carlo procedure and random sequential adsorption kinetics. Furthermore, self-assembly was described by Langevin equations with hydrodynamic mobility matrices. We find that as long as the interaction energies are weak, the assembly kinetics can be described well by coagulation-fragmentation equations in the reaction-limited approximation. By contrast, larger interaction energies lead to kinetic trapping and diffusion-limited assembly. We find that the selection of nine-fold symmetry requires a small value for the angular interaction range. These predictions are confirmed by the experimentally observed reaction constant and angle fluctuations. Overall, our simulations suggest that the SAS-6 system works at the crossover between a relatively weak binding energy that avoids kinetic trapping and a small angular range that favors the nine-fold symmetry.
Hubert Girault, Astrid Johana Olaya Avendano, Julieta Soledad Riva